Is The Hennedricks Family a good film? Spectators give their opinion on Laurence Arné’s comedy with Dany Boon – Cinema News

Is The Hennedricks Family a good film? Spectators give their opinion on Laurence Arné’s comedy with Dany Boon – Cinema News
Is The Hennedricks Family a good film? Spectators give their opinion on Laurence Arné’s comedy with Dany Boon – Cinema News

Released on Wednesday June 26 in our theaters, “La Famille Hennedricks” is the first feature film directed by Laurence Arné. But what do spectators think of this film in which she directs Dany Boon?

He had directed her in two of his films (La Ch’tite famille, 8 rue de l’Humanité), and she returned the favor when it was time to step behind the camera. Dany Boon and Laurence Arné are the headliners of La Famille Hennedricks, the first feature film directed by the actress, who was revealed in L’Amour c’est mieux à deux.

Influenced, among others, by Anglo-Saxon comedies such as Little Miss Sunshine, the film takes us on the road, in the company of a blended family. But did this sunny road trip warm the hearts of the spectators?

With an average of 3.2 out of 5 obtained from 51 ratings*, The Hennedricks Family is obviously the best film directed by Laurence Arné, since the only one to date. But it is her highest rated, as an actress, since Our Futures by Rémi Bezançon, released in 2015.

As for Dany Boon, we have to go back to 2023 and My Crime by François Ozon to find a film better rated than this one in his recent career.

They liked

Mélanie Herbert (5 out of 5): “A very beautiful first film by Laurence Arné. A beautiful adventure for this blended family on the Atlantic coast.”

natou01 (4 out of 5): “A gentle, refreshing comedy that transports us to pretty landscapes, in a folkloric atmosphere, a little crazy, but which delighted me, I would have liked to follow them!

Laurence Arné managed to transport us, in a good mood, she made a nice comedy that feels good, it exudes love. She reveals to us a Dany Boon seen through her woman’s eyes. In love, she delivers him to us, touching, humble, beautiful.”

Good film to watch with the family. It relates very well the problems of the blended family in a light way.

Colette H (3.5 out of 5): “A film completely different from other films where a [joué] Danny Boon. Good film to watch with the family. It relates very well the problems of the blended family in a light manner and seemingly provides the solutions. Everyone who has experienced it can relate to it. To have.”

Killian Mevel (3 sur 5) : “A good first film from Laurence Arné despite some inconsistencies at times.”

Hugo Delattre (3 out of 5): “One of the most striking aspects of the film is undoubtedly its soundtrack. The music, not only present in the background, is also sung and played by the actors themselves, adding an extra dimension to the viewer’s immersion. This musical approach reinforces the family and warm aspect of the story, making certain scenes particularly memorable.”

They didn’t like it

chloé V. (2 out of 5): “We can clearly see the American references that the director had in mind. The problem is that we only see that and the film has difficulty existing in itself. We quickly get bored because the form (magnificent lighting) took precedence over substance. It’s too nice for me.”

We can clearly see the American references that the director had in mind. The problem is that we only see that and the film has difficulty existing in itself.

Rivertech Rivertech (2 of 5) : “Friendly, unpretentious TV film. Two scenes made the audience laugh and the rest is good-natured. The actors play wonderfully, but the story, the subject and the road trip have been seen and re-watched dozens of times. I I still enjoyed it and I was offered the preview, I would still have hated paying 10€ for that. The music is nice, but big meh… There’s no ambition.”

olga4456 (2 of 5): “Entertaining film, sometimes moving despite its length, for those nostalgic for Supertramp or Cat Stevens.”

In summary

The casting (Dany Boon in the lead), Laurence Arné’s energy and her view of the family please the majority of spectators. But the lack of originality and surprise is what stands out the most in the negative reviews.

And you ? What did you think of The Hennedricks Family?

*Notes as of Wednesday June 26, 2024



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