Surprise number 2 on Netflix, this completely crazy Polish film makes Jessica Alba tremble and it’s deserved

Surprise number 2 on Netflix, this completely crazy Polish film makes Jessica Alba tremble and it’s deserved
Surprise number 2 on Netflix, this completely crazy Polish film makes Jessica Alba tremble and it’s deserved

And one more surprise on Netflix. Without the slightest world star and facing heavyweights like Ripostewhich marks the return of Jessica Alba, or Under the Seine, which continues to intrigue the whole world despite harsh criticism, a small Polish film is in the process of finding a real place for itself.

As we write these lines, The legacy is the 2nd most viewed film on Netflix. In France, but also throughout the world, under the title Inheritance. A title that it shares with another film with a much more bling-bling cast composed of Lily Collins, Simon Pegg or even Chace Crawford (but renamed Bloodline in France and not available here), also offered in certain countries on the streaming platform.

Is it this potentially misleading title that gives the Polish film its success? Not so sure. Because if the poster or the casting apparently have nothing to attract curiosity, this completely crazy comedy is a real good surprise, in every sense of the word.

A real pleasant surprise without pretension

The legacy immerses us in a family reunited reluctantly and ready to tear themselves apart to receive an inheritance. A rather classic synopsis but which focuses more on humor than suspense. It must be said that the missing uncle is not really missing (but will quickly become so). And he was determined not to spin away his fortune so easily. To get their hands on the jackpot, everyone will have to solve different puzzles imagined by the man, a former presenter of a TV game converted into a crazy inventor.

Many characters do not really remain essential, the dialogues and intrigues are not the most sought after… and yet. This unpretentious comedy manages to make us smile regularly and can be devoured without looking at the watch. It’s fresh, it doesn’t take itself seriously, it’s “stupid” but assumed. The legacy reminds us that a good 1h30 film is sometimes a much better idea than a series in X episodes of which we no longer see the end coming.

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A formula which visibly seems to appeal to subscribers who, without going into ecstasy on social networks, pass on the advice to take a look. Proof, The legacy is not content to sit at the top of the Polish rankings. Unavailable in the US, the film does better than Under the Seine or Dracula Untold with Luke Evans and convinces throughout Europe but also in Canada, South America and several African countries.

A small feat that no one saw coming and which may not necessarily last. We recommend that you give it a chance.



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