only an ultimate fan who has seen the film 10 times will get 15/15 on this quiz

Every year you watch Tanned people go skiing like a little winter treat? So you should normally be able to answer these 15 questions about the film without hesitation. It's time to prove to us the extent of your knowledge, get ready: let's go!

Which of these couples does not exist in the film Les Bronzés sont du ski?

In this second part, Gigi is in a relationship with Jérôme. On the other hand, in the third opus of Tannedshe is good with Jean-Claude Dusse.

Which station does Jean-Claude Dusse go to to take the train, when he is supposed to go to Gare de ?


He makes a mistake when going to Saint-Lazare station.

Which room is assigned to Jean-Claude Dusse?



The hostess assigns him room 14.

According to the ski instructor, how long does the chairlift ride take?



The ascent time is estimated at 20 minutes. This then allows the instructor to give a theoretical lesson on planting the stick.

Which character asks the two mountain men how they got the toad into the bottle?



It’s Jérôme who dares to ask the question.

And which of them falls off his chair after drinking the liquor?



Gigi falls to the ground the second she downs the liquor.

In which ski resort does the film Les Bronzés sont du ski take place?



The film takes place in Val d'Isère.

What happens when Nathalie and Bernard take the buttocks puller?



While trying to look at Nathalie, Bernard himself forgets to let go of the pole and finds himself propelled into a wall of snow.

When they meet the Italians at the shelter, what dish from their country do they suggest they cook?



They announce that they are going to cook spaghetti with pesto, to which Bernard responds with a joke about how “it stinks”.

Complete this joke from Marius: what's the last straw for a wig manufacturer?



The correct answer was: “To lack nerve.”

Who is the first to be accused of putting wire in the fondue?



This is Bernard. Nathalie immediately accuses him, even though he is innocent since it was Marius who had this brilliant idea.

Who does Jean-Claude have a meeting with after his day of skiing?



Jean-Claude explains to Bernard that he has a meeting with the owner of the hotel and that she insisted a lot.

How does Bernard recognize his skis when Gilbert confuses them with his own?



Bernard proves to Gilbert that these are indeed his skis, because his name is engraved on them.

Besides, where does the race of Gilbert's ski end when Bernard threw it violently onto the slope?



His ski ends up crashing into the windshield of a car, nearly killing an old lady sitting in the passenger seat.

What is the number of Bernard and Nathalie’s apartment?



Bernard and Nathalie's apartment is number 205.

Congratulations !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Congratulations !

Whether it is the middle of winter or summer, the season is, for you, always conducive to the humor of Tanned people go skiing. You regularly use lines from the film in everyday life, much to the delight of those around you! Anyway, we can say congratulations to you for this nice score, of which you can be very proud!

Keep your momentum going with quizzes on The Bronzed.

Well done!

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Well done!

Not everything is perfect, but it's obvious that you know the film quite well. You should certainly watch it regularly around Christmas or winter holidays, in order to immerse yourself in the resort atmosphere.

Keep your momentum going with quizzes on The Bronzed.

Not great…

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Not great...

It's nothing to brag about, but your score simply proves that you've seen the movie once or twice. You remember the basis of the story, but we can't say that you remember the details very well…

Try to do better with quizzes on The Bronzed ones!


You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Failed!

This time, it's a disaster! You have almost forgotten everything about the film Tanned people go skiingit's a shame ! The latter is still one of the most cult French comedies!

Try to do better with quizzes on The Bronzed ones!

Start the quiz again

Alexia Malige

Alexia Malige

Journalist – Editorial secretary

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