Netflix: were you waiting for the long version of these 2 science fiction films? It’s coming this summer – Cinema News

Netflix: were you waiting for the long version of these 2 science fiction films? It’s coming this summer – Cinema News
Netflix: were you waiting for the long version of these 2 science fiction films? It’s coming this summer – Cinema News

The two parts of “Rebel Moon”, the new science fiction saga by Zack Snyder, will be released this summer in long version on Netflix.

A few months after their release, we now have the necessary hindsight to say that the event did not live up to expectations. The diptych Rebel Moon, made up of the films Child of Fire (released in December 2023) and L’Entailleuse (available since April 12), were critical and public failures, despite the $150 million invested by Netflix.

Originally conceived as a Star Wars spin-off, Rebel Moon takes place in a space opera world. A group of mercenaries led by Kora, a warrior with a troubled past, forms to resist the hordes of the bloodthirsty Admiral Atticus Noble.

Enough to question the future of the franchise signed by Zack Snyder, these two parts being supposed to open the way to new films but also to spin-offs in the form of series, anime and video games. For the moment, no decision seems to have been taken by Netflix especially since there is still a chance to save Rebel Moon from the complete fiasco.

An hour of never-before-seen images to save the franchise from sinking?

As soon as the project was announced, it was revealed that each of the Rebel Moon films will be the subject of two edits. A first “classic” version, these are the edits currently available on Netflix, and a director’s cut composed of an hour of unpublished images (for each film), with the presence of numerous graphic contents (sex and violence).

After long months of waiting, it was finally revealed that the two director’s cut will be released on Netflix on August 2. The many Internet users disappointed by Rebel Moon will therefore have the choice of whether or not to give the franchise a chance.

Zack Snyder, a regular at director’s cuts

In the past, Zack Snyder managed to rehabilitate his Justice League, thanks to an edit offering more than two hours of new images compared to the cinema version (supervised by Joss Whedon). The welcome given to these two director’s cut will therefore determine the future of the Rebel Moon franchise…

The two Rebel Moon films – The Firechild and The Slasher – can be found now on Netflix in their classic montages. THE director’s cut will be revealed on August 2.

Discover the list of films currently available on the platform!



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