Jean-Paul Belmondo: His son Paul “backed by 200 liters of kerosene” almost died with Anthony Delon, they say

By Claire Legrand | Editor

A journalist of Belarusian origin, Claire has worked at Purepeople since 2019. An unconditional fan of the Sex And The City series, she also knows most of the RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s by heart. Blue flower and eternal romantic, she is interested in everything particularly to the love lives of stars.

Actor in “The Heir” broadcast on May 5, 2024 on C8, Jean-Paul Belmondo almost lost his son Paul during a trip to Niger. In front of the journalists from “Paris Match”, the former car racer and Anthony Delon recalled a narrowly avoided accident that occurred because of a pressing desire!

Jean-Paul Belmondo: His son Paul “backed by 200 liters of kerosene” almost died with Anthony Delon, they say

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Sons of legendary actors, Paul Belmondo and Anthony Delon grew up together and shared strong moments that they remembered with our colleagues at Paris Match. As a wink, their sons, Anthony and Paul, paid tribute to them, for the 75th anniversary of Paris Match. Born just over a year apart, Paul was born on April 23, 1963 and Anthony on September 30, 1964, the racing driver and actor in the film The truth if I lie thus remembered an anecdote that could have cost them their lives.

Having left for Africa in the Agadez region, the sons of Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo almost died because of Paul’s pressing desire. They explain. “The 1989 Paris-Dakar, do you remember? We had slept under the stars on the roof of a hotel in Agadez and, at dawn, we were awakened by the singing of the muezzin and the cries of a woman giving birth followed by those of her newborn. ..” laughed the brother of Alain-Fabien and Anouchka before being taken over by Paul. “And we almost died together in a helicopter accident!“.

He explains : “I wanted to go downstairs to pee. The aircraft turned into the wind, the turbine failed, the skids broke, and we almost rolled over.“.”Paul was behind, leaning against 200 liters of kerosene, we could have exploded. You can imagine the newspaper headlines!” then added the dad of Lou, Liv and Alyson. “And then, we ended up in the car of driver Jean-Louis Schlesser, at 170 km/h in the desert, without helmets, not strapped in… We really had to be totally crazy” finally concluded the former car racer married to Luana Belmondo.

A tribute to Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo

As a reminder, the article is available via the following link and pays homage to an old cover of Paris Match dating from 1997 where Jean-Paul Belmondo posed with Alain Delon. The latter were interviewed a few days before the 50th Cannes Film Festival. An event to which they had not been invited but of which they had “nothing to wax“!. “Anyway, we, Cannes, don’t care! It’s France that countse.” then masterfully confided Alain Delon, who is currently fighting lymphoma.



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