what weather and temperatures on Thursday, December 19?

Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special -​Presse page.

The sun will show itself from time to time today.

Today, Thursday December 19

Today, the weather will clear up somewhat in the city of Antibes. Temperatures will be approximately 10°C to 14°C. Diffuse precipitation will arrive in the morning. Average outdoor temperatures will be 12°C. The city will experience some improvements during the afternoon. The southwest breeze which will blow at 37 km/h will remain harmless. Star enthusiasts will be able to enjoy a cloudless night.

Weather forecast in Antibes tomorrow

The good weather will triumph the next day. Temperatures will not exceed 13°C, with a minimum of 7°C. A northwest wind of 12 km/h will be present. It will be around 10°C in the morning. We will see a few breakthroughs of the sun throughout the evening. On average, it will be 9°C.

Weather in Antibes for the next few days

Little change for the following days, with an overall value of 11°C.



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