Death of Lina: this chilling SMS received by a friend, “I looked on the internet, I shouldn’t have”

Death of Lina: this chilling SMS received by a friend, “I looked on the internet, I shouldn’t have”
Death of Lina: this chilling SMS received by a friend, “I looked on the internet, I shouldn’t have”

This is sad news that was announced this Wednesday, October 16. Lina’s lifeless body was found, “immersed in a stream located below an embankment”. This disappearance took a tragic turn and it notably caused a reaction from a friend of the teenager. Contacted by BFM Alsace, Sandra did not wish to speak at length but she confided how she learned of the discovery of Lina’s body. “I received a message saying: ‘did you see?’ and I knew straight away”she declared before continuing:
“I looked on the Internet, I shouldn’t have… I was stunned. It’s very difficult.”

Since September 23, 2023, those close to La have hoped to obtain answers concerning the disappearance of the young woman.
As a reminder, she was walking to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station to take a train to . At her destination, her boyfriend Tao was waiting for her to spend a day with him. A 3 kilometer route that she knew well and was used to taking. Additional analyzes will also be carried out to determine the circumstances of the young woman’s death.

Death of Lina: a main suspect dead

But what happened to Lina? Since the first day of his disappearance, witnesses had mentioned a car: a Ford Puma. Investigators found it after several months and it was the subject of in-depth analyses.
Quickly, the public prosecutor confided that Lina’s DNA was present “on several supports inside the vehicle”. Analyzes which therefore confirmed the presence of the young woman in this car but did she get in of her own free will? Was it forced by the driver?

Subsequently, the name of Samuel G. was mentioned.
On CCTV footage, he can be seen refueling the Ford Puma where the teenager’s DNA was found. An element which confirms the use of the car by the suspect, two days before the incident. The main suspect’s cell phone was also located at the place where Lina’s body was found, the day after the young woman’s disappearance. But why would he want to attack her? Samuel G. ended his life in July.

Death of Lina: but what happened to the young woman?

Sandra had already spoken in the columns of BFM Alsace on September 23. Lina’s friend had confided “to keep hope”,
subsequently mentioning the main suspect
. “If indeed it is him, he will never pay. But justice must be done for Lina, because she did not deserve this,”

she said. Sandra also said she had a lot of “hatred, resentment. I have a lot of stuff right now. It’s very hard to carry all this on your shoulders, because it’s been a year”. Today she got a concrete answer but not the one she was hoping for. Just like Lina’s loved ones, she will have to grieve.



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