Erdeven. The cultural grasshopper takes flight

Erdeven. The cultural grasshopper takes flight
Erdeven. The cultural grasshopper takes flight

It’s the story of three friends who wanted to set up an association to make culture accessible to as many people as possible, locally.

Charline Moreau is a delegate of the social centers of Morbihan and former founder of the Kabestan association for live entertainment in central . Marie Kerdavid is a coast guard in Locmariaquer and very involved in local cultural life. And Gauthier Talavera is an artist, musician and actor, more focused on live shows for children, but not only.

We are all convinced that it is necessary to keep culture accessibleexplains Charline, co-president of the association with Marie Kerdavid. Not everyone has the same opportunities of access, whether financially, geographically or culturally,” she laments, having observed it directly on the ground.

Shows, music, exhibitions, art in general, are important for children in a rural area like oursthey note. We are far from the cultural centers of big cities. It’s up to us to find solutions to bring ideas here!

For Gauthier Talavera, the idea is to carry out cultural projects that are close to people, financially accessible and intergenerational .

Apart from the show Madeleine The Whale (read above), there is currently no defined timetable, but many projects are being considered for more social connections and adventures.




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