The terrible story of the first time Dominique Pélicot drugged his wife

The terrible story of the first time Dominique Pélicot drugged his wife

How does someone drug his wife to offer her up as prey to strangers who come to rape her in her medicated sleep? This is the question that the whole of France is asking itself today, while all eyes are riveted on the Vaucluse departmental criminal court, where the Mazan rape trial is taking place. A most sordid affair, which even the best crime writers could not have invented. Since September 2, 2024, Dominique Pélicot, 71, has been on trial there for the chemical submission he imposed on his wife Gisèle for years. Alongside him, fifty other men are accused of “aggravated rape” of the septuagenarian. For nearly a decade, she suffered the unthinkable: her husband filmed or photographed her, in the marital bed, being abused by men he had recruited on the Internet. Investigators counted at least 92 rapes, according to Dominique Pélicot’s computer files, without being able to clearly identify each attacker.

Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 9:05 p.m., the show Chroniques criminelles will look into this terrible case. In this episode called “The Mazan Rape Affair: In the Horror of Chemical Submission,” which Femme Actuelle was able to preview, we learn how it all began. When he was arrested for filming under the skirts of several customers in a supermarket, Dominique Pélicot was searched. That’s when the police (…)

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