4 conditions for a bedroom to be conducive to sleep

4 conditions for a bedroom to be conducive to sleep

Good sleep is one of the pillars of health. We can never repeat it enough, but it is as important as diet and physical activity. However, serene and peaceful nights require a suitable environment. Certain objects must therefore be strictly prohibited.

No screen

First of all, as you might expect, screens. All scientific studies show that when we stay in front of a screen, our body has difficulty producing melatonin, the hormone that is in some way the door that opens the way to sleep. Blue light is therefore particularly harmful if you are looking for a deep and restorative sleep! Television, computer, tablet and mobile phone must absolutely be removed. You should consider your sleeping space as a calm and serene place of rest with the minimum: a comfortable mattress. The bed should not be a branch of an office. We remove the possibilities of receiving emails and answering them as a consequence. The most difficult thing to remove from the bedroom remains the cell phone because many of us have alarm clocks included in it. It is difficult to ban them absolutely and to be too dogmatic about it. In this case we try to self-discipline (or to move towards this solution gradually) by putting an autonomous alarm clock without any other function next to the bed. And in the long term to put (…)

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