Accused of wanting to destabilize Emmanuel Macron, Édouard Philippe explains

Accused of wanting to destabilize Emmanuel Macron, Édouard Philippe explains

ANDdouard Philippe reaffirms his “respect for institutions”. After publicly announcing this week his intention to run for the top post in the next presidential election in 2027, Édouard Philippe, in an interview with Paris-Normandyannounced that he would run for his own re-election as mayor of Le Havre in the municipal elections. While many have criticized the former Prime Minister’s declaration of candidacy in the midst of a political crisis, the latter has refuted any “attempt to destabilize the President of the Republic” and indicated that he wants to see Emmanuel Macron “complete his term.”

Explaining that he had “too much respect for institutions”, the leader of the Horizons party dismissed with a wave of the hand the comments of some of his detractors, who accuse him of wanting to bet on a possible impediment of the current head of state due to the political instability in which the country has found itself since the last legislative elections.

Édouard Philippe says he is ready “to help” Michel Barnier

While the newly appointed Prime Minister is receiving former heads of government in turn, like Élisabeth Borne this Saturday, Édouard Philippe will be received at Matignon on Sunday. Referring to a “methodical, solid, experienced and pro-European” politician, the mayor of Le Havre welcomed the choice of Emmanuel Macron and said he was ready “to help” Michel Barnier. “He knows what is […] Read more


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