At the beginning of 2025, in the presence of its partners and elected members of DNA, the latter had the pleasure of announcing that it is today possible to tend to 100% fiber coverage of the territory, out of the 634 municipalities in the area public initiative (not deployed by private operators) with a target target for December 31, 2026. “It is a feat all the more important as it will not require any additional recourse to public funds” The president welcomes.
As a reminder, the Departmental Director of Digital Development of the Ardèche and Drôme set an objective of 97% fiber coverage of the territory on December 31, 2025. The remaining 3% correspond to the most complex and the most expensive catches To be deployed, which with regard to the budget envelope allocated to the project (€ 467 million), will not be deployed as part of the 2025 objective. “Although this figure is important, it is not 100%. For us, this is a subject of territorial equity, our desire is to be able to offer each resident to access very high speed with the same technology: fiber optics, which also contributes to the challenges of attractiveness and competitiveness of our territories ” declares Didier-Claude Blanc.
No additional funding from communities
For many months, DNA has been carrying out negotiations with the Axione / Bouygues Energies and Services work groups, in charge of deploying fiber optics on DNA account, and with Adtim FTTH, the Public Service Delegate, in charge of marketing and operating the public network. The administrative and financial rigor of the teams of the DNA union operated since the start of the project has made these negotiations possible. They allow, on the one hand, with the Axione group to continue deployments beyond 97% and thus benefit from the savings of market scales already in place and the operational efficiency of the group which relies on 150 employees established on the territory. On the other hand, with Adtim FTTH, to extend the duration of its contract and thus obtain more fees linked to the marketing of the fiber network but also the care by Adtim FTTH of investments initially carried by DNA. The rapid marketing of the fiber network will therefore be essential for the realization of 100%.
Concretely, how are you going to proceed?
Nothing changes in terms of organization of the work because we must take care not to disorganize the teams already in place on the ground. The interventions will be carried out throughout the territory. There will be no prioritization as has been done within the framework of the initial project, but the calendar will necessarily take into account the rate of closure of the copper network with regard to the first municipalities. At the end of March 2026, all the work, allowing the completion of the 100% must have been launched in order to allow all the commercial service openings by the end of 2026. The success of the 100% fiber is based on the acceptance and the responsiveness of local elected officials with regard to the validation of proposals for the establishment of posts, the issuance of road permissions or in the implementation of servitude decrees. DNA will need all administrative authorizations in order to be able to launch the latest deployment work no later than the spring of 2026. After it will be too late. “If it is not possible to launch the work within the time limits (March 2026), ARCEP, the regulatory authority for electronic communications and positions, allows communities to justify non-deployment due to Third -party refusals, leaving users without fiber network. We are counting on the support and mobilization of elected officials. For you, we will not let go! »»
-Some figures:
97% as of December 31, 2025
100 % on December 31, 2026
384,000 lines to be deployed
More than 252,400 eligible households
More than 112,500 homes subscribed to the DNA fiber network
Content designed and proposed by EBRA inspirationswith DNA Drôme Digital DNA