The United States does not need Canadian cars, lumber and oil, says Donald Trump

The United States does not need Canadian cars, lumber and oil, says Donald Trump
The United States does not need Canadian cars, lumber and oil, says Donald Trump

The American president declared Thursday, during a speech at the Davos Forum, that the United States does not need many Canadian products.

• Also read: “Come produce in America” or “you will have to pay customs duties”, says Trump in Davos

“We don’t need them to build our cars and they build a lot of them. We don’t need their wood because we have our own forests and so on. We don’t need their oil and gas, we have more than anyone,” he told the world bosses gathered in Switzerland.

Donald Trump added that Canada “has been very difficult to negotiate with in recent years.”

For him, it is “unfair” that the United States has a debt “of 200 or 250 billion dollars” to Canada.

He also maintained that the United States no longer intends to have this debt and repeated his proposal that Canada become the 51st American state to get rid of this debt.


“We have an immense debt with Canada and we are not going to have it anymore, we cannot do it. […] As you probably know, I said: you can still become a state. That way, if you are a state, we will not have a deficit, we will not have to impose a tariff on you, etc.”

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The US president continued by declaring that negotiations with Mexico were going “very well” and that the United States “just wants to be treated fairly with other nations”.




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