Due to the absence of a finance bill at the moment, it is difficult to comment on certain subjects, in particular on files where the State subsidizes community projects. “It must, however, be emphasized that the equipment allocation for rural areas (DETR) and the local investment support allocation (DECIL) are what we call voted measures, which are intended to be renewed and are therefore well present. This is not the case for the Green Fund, where the government had announced that it wanted to make savings. Finally, according to the Prime Minister, the general operating allocation should be increased, in particular to help municipalities which have suffered significant damage following natural disasters.explained François Ravier, prefect of Savoie, during his media launch on January 22, at the prefecture.
What about mobility?
The difficult issue of urban and rural mobility was discussed at length, especially since it is one of the priorities of the year for the State. The latter having finally decided to choose the “Grand Gabarit” project for the Lyon-Turin, European funding has been released and the various projects linked to access and the railway hub that Lyon represents will be able to fully start. Because behind the need for a modal shift in the transport of goods, there is also the question of rail provision for populations. The prefect also welcomed the labeling of metropolitan regional express service projects (SERM), including one concerning our department, but also the creation of the Joint Mobility Union, between Grand Chambéry, Grand Lac, Cœur de Savoie and the Department. “There are very serious issues regarding the role of trains in daily travel across the country. This will allow the creation of new stations and thus accentuate the railway presence in the mobility offer”continued the prefect.
The place of social housing
François Ravier also addressed the issue of the production of social housing, in a context where the construction sector is struggling. He recalled that the prefecture had taken over pre-emption powers from the municipality of Aix-les-Bains, in view of their shortcomings in terms of social housing. “The work was carried out in good harmony with the mayor, and we will be able to almost achieve the objective set for the production of social housing”he stressed. More broadly, the prefect indicated that the cost of land made pre-emption difficult, and also conceded that it becomes complicated for operators to succeed in balancing their real estate programs.