70% of prostitution in takes place on the internet and social networks!

70% of prostitution in takes place on the internet and social networks!
70% of prostitution in Reunion takes place on the internet and social networks!

The Regional Directorate for Women's Rights and Equality (DRDFE) is launching a call for projects to fight prostitution and human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation in .

Information from the prefecture:

In Reunion, although street prostitution remains the most visible, 70% of it is practiced via the internet and social networks.

The call for projects aims to finance actors wishing to get involved in the prevention and fight against prostitution in the region. It is aimed at legal entities, in particular associations and foundations. Particular attention will be paid to projects deployed in the Eastern and Western zones.

The themes selected

The development of innovative forward-looking actions;

Training and awareness of professionals;

Awareness and prevention actions favoring social marketing techniques with the aim of having a measurable impact on target audiences;

Improving support for victims.

The selection of projects is done in accordance with various criteria, in particular:

The ability to understand new forms of prostitution;


The originality and added value of the proposed actions;

Monitoring impact via evaluation of actions;

The ability to produce actions transferable to other contexts;

The quality of project delivery.

The proposed actions must make it possible to stimulate innovative projects, of a partnership and multidisciplinary nature.

Selected projects will benefit from maximum financial aid of 100,000 euros. They will begin in 2025 and can take place until 2026, for a maximum duration of 18 months.

In 2025, 3 million euros will be deployed at the national level by the Agency for the Management and Recovery of Seized and Confiscated Assets (AGRASC), in partnership with the Ministry responsible for equality between women and men and fight against discrimination, to finance projects included in the national strategy to combat the prostitution system and sexual exploitation.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday January 31, 2025, midnight (Reunion time).

Only completed files, meeting the requirements of the call for projects and submitted via simplified procedures will be submitted for examination by the selection committee: https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/commencer/drdfe-la-reunion- call-for-projects-2025-agrasc



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