In this village in Aveyron, local residents want to set up an association against the relay antenna project

In this village in Aveyron, local residents want to set up an association against the relay antenna project
In this village in Aveyron, local residents want to set up an association against the relay antenna project

the essential
Faced with the relay antenna project for two residential neighborhoods in La Rouquette, opponents are stepping up.

While the situation seemed to have calmed down and dialogue was established, local residents took action this week against the relay antenna project in the village of La Rouquette. At the locality of La Sicardie and Orlhonac, the residential neighborhoods have been classified as white zones since January 1, 2023.

A relay antenna is to be built on private land near the premises, a project led by the operator Free. A municipal decree was signed authorizing the construction of this equipment, registered in the PLUi. In the neighborhood, opponents mobilized to make their discontent heard. Last week, several meetings were organized between the municipality, a representative of the prefecture, the operator, and local residents. Pro and anti-relay antenna went to the site to talk.

“Exploit all possible remedies”

But the opponents do not want to stop there. “We regret that these discussions were not organized in the form of a collective meeting, which would have allowed a real debate,” argue several local residents in a press release. “Faced with the absence of collective dialogue and the lack of transparency on the real needs and consequences of the project, we are considering forming an association and exploiting all possible recourses.”


Construction of the antenna could begin in the coming weeks. The operator is operational to launch the work and it is the prefecture which will decide on the matter.



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