the essential
In Auterive, a peaceful town in Haute-Garonne, a woman was found dead in mysterious circumstances. An investigation is underway to try to understand the causes of death.
What happened this weekend, in this apartment in Auterive, a quiet town in the south of Haute-Garonne? According to consistent sources, a 56-year-old woman was found dead on Saturday evening around 9 p.m. The neighbors would have, in fact, contacted the emergency services after the victim's dogs had barked continuously for two days. The firefighters opened the door, which was locked from the inside.
The body was submerged
Inside the house: macabre discovery. The victim was discovered dead in his bathtub. The body of this woman, who lived alone with these animals, was immersed in her bath. The usual findings were carried out by gendarmerie specialists. The Toulouse public prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into the causes of death. When did she die and why? Death could have been around 48 hours ago. The neighbors hadn't seen their neighbor since mid-week.
-Criminal theory dismissed
At this stage, “there is no evidence to support the criminal theory” tells us the Toulouse public prosecutor's office. There is no convincing evidence to suggest that the thirty-year-old ended her life. Was it a natural death? A source close to the case specifies that there were still “several medication prescriptions in the apartment”. The victim's body was transferred to the Rangueil medical-judicial unit (UMJ). An autopsy will be carried out soon to determine whether this death was the result of a natural cause or other factors.