Air quality will continue to be poor for the next few days.
If you’re used to checking the weather on your phone, you may have noticed an unusual indication regarding air quality…
At Apple in particular (based on BreezoMeter data), the index reached 10, the worst possible.
But how can we explain this phenomenon?
Pascale Hourman, spokesperson for Brussels Environment, indicates that there is a link between poor air quality and the weather in recent days. Thermal inversion, lack of wind: weather conditions are not favorable for the dispersion of pollutants.
In Brussels, the “” tool exists. It allows you to see, day by day, the status of air quality based on the standards recommended by the World Health Organization.
-Pascale Hourman indicates that the air quality should improve this weekend.
■ Pascal Hourmanspokesperson for Brussels Environment, at the microphone ofEmilie Vanhemelen