Unlike previous legislatures where the deputies agreed on these presidencies, there was no agreement this year. And for good reason, the deputies failed to find a compromise on around twenty countries.
To resolve the situation, the “turnstile” method was adopted during a decisive meeting held on Monday. On this occasion, each group, in order of importance, chose the disputed countries. This is how the RN first chose Morocco, informed deputies present at the session.
Read: With the National Rally, France could recognize the Moroccan nature of the Sahara
Obtaining the presidency of the France-Morocco friendship group is a “strong signal”, explained Marine Le Pen’s entourage before this meeting, affirming that Morocco is a “great country of diplomacy and economic development” and an actor “important in the fight against immigration”, with a “strong diaspora”.
In addition to the presidency of the France-Morocco friendship group, the far-right party obtained the presidency of the France-Italy and France-United Kingdom friendship groups. These decisions will have to be validated by the office of the National Assembly during a meeting scheduled for next week.