Focus on the preservation of wetlands – Africa

Focus on the preservation of wetlands – Africa
Focus on the preservation of wetlands – Africa

The challenges of preserving wetlands are at the heart of the regional preparatory meeting for COP 15 of the RAMSAR Convention, whose work began on Tuesday in Marrakech.

Organized by the National Agency for Water and Forests (ANEF), this three-day meeting (January 8-10) aims to strengthen the commitments of African countries in terms of conservation of these vital ecosystems, threatened by the effects of climate change and anthropogenic pressures.

Speaking at the opening session, ANEF Director General Abderrahim Houmy emphasized the strategic importance of wetlands, which are essential for water supply, biodiversity and regulation of climate change.

“The rapid degradation of these ecosystems, which have lost 35% of their surface area since 1970, threatens not only biodiversity but also the populations who depend on them”he noted, emphasizing Morocco’s commitment to this end, through national policies, such as the strategy “Forests of Morocco 2020-2030”aiming to preserve these spaces and strengthen the resilience of local communities in the face of environmental challenges.

Mr. Houmy also noted that Africa, which is home to 44% of the world’s Ramsar sites, is particularly concerned by the loss of these ecosystems, emphasizing the need to intensify cooperation between African countries and international organizations.

In this regard, he cited initiatives such as MedWet and that of Southern Africa as models of collaboration for the sustainable management of wetlands.

Along the same lines, the Deputy Secretary General of the Convention on Wetlands, Jay Aldous, noted that the African continent is full of exceptional natural resources, but these spaces must be “better protected” to avoid irreversible loss of biodiversity.


With this in mind, he affirmed that this meeting constitutes an opportunity to determine common priorities for Africa in order to strengthen the continent’s position at COP 15 and to promote the integration of wetlands into national sustainable development strategies. .

The objective, he said, being to establish strong regional and international partnerships to strengthen the governance of wetlands and maximize their benefits for the benefit of local populations.

This preparatory meeting for COP 15 marks a decisive step for Africa, which intends to play a leading role in the preservation of wetlands.

The fruitful exchanges between participants should make it possible to reinforce commitments in terms of conservation, by highlighting the capital importance of these ecosystems for the future of the planet.

(With MAP)



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