Louison Mura and Agathe Ducoulombier, students from Chaptal high school in Mende, were elected to the National Council for High School Life (CNVL), the highest high school representative body.
Louison Mura and Agathe Ducoulombier, respectively final and second year students at Chaptal high school in Mende, were elected to the National Council for High School Life (CNVL) in mid-December.
To achieve this, the two high school students were first elected to the High School Life Council (CVL) then to the Academic High School Life Council (CAVL), which concerns all the departments of the academy and within which they represent the department of Lozère and its high schools, two to four times a year.
It was during a seminar in Montpellier that the two high school students were elected with another pair from Nîmes (an application ticket includes four people, Editor’s note) among twenty groups, in the presence of the rector Sophie Béjean, inspectors and other elected officials.
Marie-Joëlle Grosclaude, the principal education advisor (CPE) of the establishment, has only known one student elected to the CNVL, more than fifteen years ago. “It’s the first time that I have had a pair who made it all the way to first place. It’s a great source of pride, not for me but for them. It’s a great experience.”
“I like to get involved, I wanted to try to make things happen. This role allows for decision-making and that made me want to”explains Agathe Ducoulombier.
“I like working with decision-making bodies and seeing how things work on the administrative side of high schools, says the man who will soon begin his higher studies. I continued my learning thanks to the CAVL first, then I wanted to represent my comrades as far as possible.”
According to them, their role within this body is above all to “make the link with the Academic Council for High School Life. While at CAVL we are really proactive and we support the students of the department. on a national scale, it is more difficult to put projects in place. At the national level, it is more difficult to put projects in place. National Council for High School Life, we will act more as spokesperson for the region.”
Eco-delegates and orientation
Eco-delegates and orientation are the duo's favorite themes. “We realized that the place of eco-delegates was not often valued, testifies the second grade student. This can create discomfort among invested students, who do not feel recognized. The goal is therefore to concretely redefine their role and what can be done within the academy's establishments.”
Regarding orientation, the two young elected officials “noticed that there are a lot of measures put in place but that few high school students hear about them because there is a lack of communication. Together, they would like “facilitate access to available resources”.
“As they were elected, we must give them the opportunity to be actors. We convene the high school life council at their request”says Nicolas Mialon, the director of Chaptal high school. “Especially since they raise real questions about school life, it’s not just about the high school dance”adds the CPE.
Rural environment
In Lozère, high school students sometimes lack resources. “For us, it’s more difficult, especially in terms of means, travel or access to culture,” explains the teenager. Elements that she affirms do not constitute real obstacles to their actions.
“Our role also allows us to feel less alone, we who come from a rural environment, rather isolated from the major main actions. It is reassuring and motivating to see that other students who come from elsewhere have the same interests “concludes the high school student.