“I never write pure fiction”: -based journalist and novelist Sandrine Catalan-Massé delivers her third novel

“I never write pure fiction”: -based journalist and novelist Sandrine Catalan-Massé delivers her third novel
“I never write pure fiction”: Montpellier-based journalist and novelist Sandrine Catalan-Massé delivers her third novel

Journalist and author, Sandrine Catalan-Massé publishes her third novel this Thursday, January 9

“There is no smooth couple without history.” In her third novel “Since someone is waiting for me”, which is released this Thursday, January 9 in bookstores, Sandrine Catalan-Massé immerses the reader in the twists and turns of Andréa’s life. It all starts at the bottom of the water where the protagonist almost loses her life in an accident. It is ultimately her memory that fails her to the point that her amnesia leads her straight to a psychiatric hospital. The reader resurfaces with her between flashbacks and moments of despair. The author questions the life choices of her protagonist through a narrative that gives pride of place to suspense. But shh… we won’t say more so as not to deprive the reader of the pleasure of discovery.

Journalist 17 years old in

Journalist and novelist, Sandrine Catalan-Massé has the double satisfaction of seeing her book released this Thursday and her second opus “Rien n’est script” reissued in pocket format by Eyrolles on the same date. A native of , the author spent 17 years in Paris after her journalism studies. She has worked for various women’s magazines putting her pen at the service of psycho, parenting and well-being subjects. Her characters, always feminine, vibrate with the emotions that the author depicts through impressions and sensations, throughout the pages. “It’s like a millefeuille.” always serves as the setting for his stories.

“Always a bit of the author”

“I never write pure fiction, there is always a bit of the author, but it is not an autobiographical novel”she explains. The author and her character share several points in common. Like that of having fallen in love with a man in the south of and having experienced “TGV love” for a few years. Sandrine Catalan-Massé moved to in 2006. “I am very happy to live under the sun and to come see my publisher in Paris… in the rain”she says, laughing. This is how she found her balance.

Dedication at Gibert

She will be back this Saturday, January 11 for a signing session at Gibert. “It’s great to meet readers. I feel like I’m writing for them. They always have a personal story to share with me. We all have a novel to tell, a unique story…” It’s a safe bet that this third novel will also meet its audience.

Sandrine Catalan-Massé will be signing at Gibert on Saturday January 11 at 3 p.m., February 15 at Sauramps triangle at 3 p.m.


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