He refuses to buy the apartment as stipulated in a promise of sale but must still pay nearly 37,000 euros

He refuses to buy the apartment as stipulated in a promise of sale but must still pay nearly 37,000 euros
He refuses to buy the apartment as stipulated in a promise of sale but must still pay nearly 37,000 euros

We've been telling you this since you were little, before signing, it's better to read carefully and understand what you're committing to. It was to his expense that a man, who had signed a promise to sell for a home worth 207,000 euros, but canceled it at the last moment, ultimately still had to pay nearly 37,000 euros without buying anything, reports the newspaper Le Figaro.

The reason? It is the lawyer specializing in real estate law, Me Gabriel Neu-Janicki, who gives an explanation on his blog, our colleagues still report. The withdrawal period having passed and as there was no suspensive clause, anyone who buys but ultimately refuses the final signature risks having to pay more than the 10% immobilization compensation.

Compensation, fees and legal costs

And that's what happened. The potential buyer was then pursued by both the seller and the real estate agency. The Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the TGI of Nancy on the compensation of 20,700 euros (10% of the total amount of the transaction) provided for in the compromise and which must be paid to the seller.

To this are added 12,000 euros to the real estate agency, even in the absence of a sale, that is to say the full payment of its fees, to which are added legal costs to be paid to the seller and the agency, or an additional 4,000 euros.

That's a total of 36,700 euros, almost 18% of the total amount of the sale.



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