In Mayenne, Florent Maudieu is a medical transporter and father of a son born through medically assisted procreation. He wishes to offer non-medical support, drawing on his background.
Published: 3:40 p.m. by Marie Chevillard
The PMA Mayenne 53 Facebook group allows future and current parents to exchange ideas.
Credit : Image d’illustration / Pixabay Pexels
“I will try to help every couple who tries to have a baby, so that they do not suffer what we experienced”. This promise, the Mayennais Florent Maudieu made it at the birth of his son Malo, aged 4 and a half years old today. After having lived five complicated years in a long journey of birth by PMA (Medically assisted procreation), he insists: “I don’t want to go through that again at all.”.
In detail, from 2015, his partner and himself passed “from examinations to examinations, from hospital centers to hospital centers, and no one really knew how to support us. Today we realized that it was the problem of a little bit of both [parents]but the doctors didn't know how to support us and the laboratories weren't really keeping up.”
Credit : Marie Chevillard
Although Florent Maudieu is not a doctor, he works for a medical transporter and has thought about a solution to facilitate the medical protocol for PMA. Which gives the first structure in Mayenne created with professionals, where women can have several examinations included in gynecological follow-up done in the same place and at the same timeultrasounds, blood tests…
Saving time and fatigue
“The exams start at 8 a.m.; at 9 a.m., I take the exams and take them to the laboratory. The idea is that the results arrive before 11:45 a.m. to launch protocols. Before, the delta was too long; Today, this allows us not to send patients to Rennes or Angers.” This saves time and fatigue for future parents who are already busy with medical appointments. Since its implementation at the end of November, more than 200 couples have already benefited.
Credit : Marie Chevillard
Even beyond this concrete help on the medical level, the Mayennais wishes offer support to future parents, advice, discussions around PMA. After writing a book on the subject, he runs the Facebook page 'PMA Mayenne 53'.
“We didn’t want to be stigmatized”
According to him, medically assisted procreation is not yet well known among professionals and the general public. “When we are followed in PMA, there are really these things left unsaid, we don’t dare talk about it too much. It is necessary to remove the clichés around the PMAthat those who experience it can talk about it, and that others can understand. For example, our respective families weren't aware, because we didn't want to be stigmatized, to hear 'so, you can't do it?' I want to remove and break these preconceived ideas.”
Credit : Marie Chevillard
Florent Maudieu would like soon create an associationaimed at parents in Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire.