The Moroccan Conjoncture Center (CMC) looks at the partnership between Morocco and France in its latest monthly publication “Maroc Conjoncture” n°374.
Entitled, “The Franco-Moroccan partnership: Achievements and prospects for improvement”, this publication is structured around several axes including “World Trade: Impacts of geopolitical tensions on supply chains”, “Morocco-France Partnership : Significant development potential”, “Green Industry and Energy Transition: Morocco at the forefront of sustainable investments” and “Large reforms to unlock the potential of private investment”, details the CMC.
The authors believe that the profound transformation of the geostrategic context in the Mediterranean region but also in the relevant economic areas in Europe and Africa and, more generally, in the world, “pleads for a strengthening of cooperation between Morocco and France” . In this sense, they underline the need to consolidate this alliance “by adapting to new requirements in a changing world on an economic, social or environmental level”.
The paths to follow in this perspective should emphasize the consolidation of the achievements of the partnership between the two countries in the different areas of cooperation while exploring the new development opportunities presented by the transformations underway at the geostrategic level, notes the CMC .
On another note, the CMC sheds light on green industrialization and the energy transition which today constitute central pillars of the sustainable development strategy.