Morocco is currently facing a measles epidemic. Since October 2023, nearly 20,000 cases have been recorded and just over 100 deaths. Among the deaths, half concern children under 12 years old. These figures were disclosed this week by the Minister of Health, whose department is mobilizing to try to contain the health emergency.
With our correspondent in Casablanca, Matthias Raynal
The measles epidemic continues to gain ground. It is now the north of the kingdom which is affected. The disease is spreading in a population that is no longer sufficiently immune. Doctor Tayeb Hamdi is the vice-president of the national health federation in Morocco.
« We have a problem of under-vaccination and therefore we are no longer achieving the objectives. Morocco was a champion of childhood vaccination. We always reached 84; 96% », Indicates Doctor Tayeb Hamdi, vice-president of the National Health Federation in Morocco.
« The hesitation of families »
For his part, Amine Tahraoui, Minister of Health, points the finger “ the hesitation of families » to vaccinate children, but also the “ Covid-19 pandemic » which disrupted the normal functioning of health systems, before adding that“epidemiological surveillance should be systematically reactivated because this is the only way to be able to identify cases of measles and outbreaks of measles, before they spread. »
« The measles vaccine is a safe vaccine. It is a vaccine that is very effective. A 2-dose vaccination protects for a lifetime », Specifies Doctor Tayeb Hamdi.
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