Some 7’000 young people Christians Alemannics spent New Year’s week au PraiseCamp on the Basel fair site. According to the organizers, the camp multi-faith hears encourage young Christians to live their faith with enthusiasm and conviction.
Wolfgang Holz, Traduction adaptation Maurice Page
The program of the days was marked by seminars on themes of everyday life, group activities, music or sports activities and other offers. With the collection ActNow participants also had the opportunity to support projects in Switzerland and abroad.
On New Year’s Eve, the young people copied the Bible by hand into thousands of small sections. After 18 minutes, the entire Bible had been copied and bound into a meter-thick book.
The PraiseCamp Bible that was created shows the great communion of young Christians and we rejoice that, thanks to them, the Good News is spreading in our country,” noted Annina Gottschall, co-senior leader. “We are incredibly grateful for the great times we had with so many young participants and volunteers. We are grateful for all the creativity and passion invested.”
The organizers of the ›Campus for Christ Switzerland’ meeting, officially describe themselves “as a non-profit organization, independent of any denomination, whose objective is to bring the love of God in a global way in the different areas of Company”.
Organized as an association in 1973, with its headquarters in Zurich and more than 100 collaborators, the missionary movement collaborates with all Churches: Reformed, Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Free.
Every two years
The PraiseCamp takes place every two years, the next edition is planned for the end of 2026. It is the largest camp for young Christians in Switzerland. It is organized by League for Bible Reading, Campus for Christ, the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and the Christian youth movement VBG. It is further supported by a wide circle of organizations. The first PraiseCamp was organized in 2002. Since 2014 it has taken place at the Basel Messe. (
© Catholic Media Center Cath-Info, 01/05/2025
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