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The steps to apply for CAF aid are not always easy. For some applicants, this can seem like a real obstacle course. Nevertheless, this is about to change. Soon, a new system will come into force. More individuals will then be able to benefit from financial benefits! We take stock in this article!
This problem that CAF wishes to remedy
Did you know that in France, a lot of social assistance is never claimed? A real waste! Every year, thousands of households miss out on benefits to which they are entitled. For example, more than a third of housing assistance does not reach the beneficiaries! Worse still, this non-recourse affects half of the activity bonuses.
But how can we explain this situation? On the one hand, there is the lack of knowledge of the beneficiaries. In fact, many people are simply unaware of the existence of this aid! On the other hand, there is the difficulty of the procedures. A real obstacle course for some!
Fortunately, the CAF heard this call for help. Indeed, organizations are aware of the situation. This is why they are preparing a superb device for simplify access to aid. But what is it exactly? It's in the lines that follow.
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A novelty in the making
CAF will soon launch the “ Solidarity at the source “. With this solution, beneficiaries will no longer have to fill out long forms to receive aid. Indeed, it will be CAF which will take care of almost everything!
Concretely, how does it work? CAF will send you a pre-filled form with all the necessary information. Then, all you have to do is check the accuracy of the data and validate the form. Child's play! Thanks to this initiative, access to rights becomes simpler.
And the best for last: once the form is validated, you will receive your benefits directly in your bank account! So no more administrative back-and-forths and teeth-grinding waiting times. “Solidarity at the source” is therefore an equally simple and effective solution!
It goes without saying that this novelty will relieve more than one person. The beneficiaries will be able to save precious time. And this, in addition to freeing yourself from the stress linked to complicated procedures. The number of non-recourse to CAF aid will perhaps finally decrease.
Will CAF beneficiaries be able to receive more social assistance?
Some households could have access to new aid thanks to the “Solidarity at source” system. For example, people already receiving the RSA could discover that they are also eligible for APL. This is possible since the procedures will be automated. Enough to improve the resources of beneficiaries.
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And the good news is that it’s not a distant project! In fact, you will not have to wait long to be able to take advantage of this device. Because from March 2025, all CAFs should adopt this new organization. Only a few months left before “Solidarity at the source” comes to make our lives easier!