Laurent Wauquiez ordered to give the list of his guests – Libération

Laurent Wauquiez ordered to give the list of his guests – Libération
Laurent Wauquiez ordered to give the list of his guests – Libération

Info Libé

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The Council of State rejected the appeal of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region aimed at avoiding revealing the underside of a communications operation for the benefit of its former president.

Laurent Wauquiez will have to come to the table in the matter of summit dinners. In a decision of December 30, which reveals Liberationthe Council of State rejects the appeal of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, opposed to the judgment of the administrative court which ordered it in May to make public the list of guests for this controversial event. Resigning from his post as regional president after becoming a deputy for Haute- this summer, the leader of the Republican Right (ex-Les Républicains) has thus exhausted all possible recourses to avoid revealing the underside of a tainted operation of a certain number of irregularities, according to the regional court of accounts (CRC).

There would be around a hundred of them who enjoyed themselves on two occasions in 2022 at the taxpayer's expense, for a painful cost approaching 180,000 euros. The famous list of guests for the second meeting – from economic, cultural, sporting or associative circles of power – ava



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