Dakar, Jan 2 (APS) – Rapper and actor Cheikh Omar Diop, known as Nix, praised, Thursday, in Dakar, the dynamism of the 4e art in Senegal, even in Africa, and invited musicians to set themselves the objective, for the new year, of investing in training for music professions.
”I think that what we need to do, for the year 2025, is to look at the things that work a little less, the structuring of this business,” suggested Nix in an interview with the APS.
The co-founder of ”Deedo”, a streaming platform dedicated to the sale of online music, now closed, believes that it is necessary to invest in events and the business model, c ‘i.e., ”sales, locations, studios”.
Numerous concerts were given by Senegalese and African artists, including Thiakola, Mohamed VJ, Amadeus, Mia Guissé and Wally Seck, during the end-of-year celebrations, which Nix was delighted with.
He says he is ”satisfied” with this ”very open, very creative scene, driven by the young generation who are shaking up Senegalese music”.
The rapper invites cultural actors to invest in the music industry and to focus on young artists with a view to structuring this “business” above all. He recommends that they embark on training, with the aim of improving the quality of musical productions.
”We must invest in training for music professions because [c’est] a segment which [doit] improve a lot. And we can only achieve this through training in music professions, events, management, production…” advised Nix to cultural actors, emphasizing that without the ”political will [de l’État]nothing can be done.