The experiment was to end on January 1, 2025. But a decree published at the last minute on December 31 in the Official Journal extends this experiment until July 31, 2025.
Motorcyclists can continue to squeeze between cars when traffic is congested in 21 French departments, including Hérault and the Pyrénées-Orientalesto name only those located in Languedoc-Roussillon. The experiment, launched in 2021, was to end on January 1, 2025, as we announced on Wednesday. But a decree was taken at the last minute on December 27 to extend this experiment concerning inter-file circulation (CIF) for seven months, until July 31, 2025. The decree was published in the Official Journal on December 31, a few hours of the new year.
The practice is obviously strictly regulated: it only concerns motorways and expressways separated by a central reservation; cars must be stationary or drive very slowly; it is prohibited to exceed 50 km/h; to force the passenger etc. “Cross-lane traffic is not authorized by the highway code, but it is often practicedreminds Road Safety. The experiment will make it possible to study the conditions under which this practice could be authorized, secured and taught.”
That budget?
Auto Plus recalls that a first experiment was carried out between 2016 and 2021 in 11 departments. And that at the end, a first assessment was published, not particularly convincing. “If accidents involving motorized two-wheelers had decreased by 10% nationally, an increase of 12% in accident rates had been observed on the road networks where the CIF was authorizedunderline our colleagues. Certain risky behaviors – such as speeding or reckless maneuvers – had been noted, showing that teaching and rules were not always respected.”