“The natural disaster in Mayotte hides the political disaster”

“The natural disaster in Mayotte hides the political disaster”
“The natural disaster in Mayotte hides the political disaster”

CHRONICLE – Everything has to be rebuilt in the 101st French department, where the growth of the foreign population is out of control.

This article comes from “Figaro Magazine”

“We will not be able to rebuild Mayotte without addressing, with the greatest determination, the migration issue…” Bruno Retailleau was finishing his emergency visit to the island in mid-December when he said what needed to be said, but it was too early… The Minister of the Interior was the first on the ground after a terrible disaster which we would discover the terrifying material and human toll. For him, the migration issue was not separable from the situation that would arise in the aftermath of the cyclone.

See the population of the island since 1985: it then had 67,000 inhabitants; in 2007, there were 186,000, then 256,000 ten years later; and last year, says INSEE, this population reached 321,000 inhabitants! Five times more souls in forty years, but not as much wealth… Mayotte reaches the record (behind Île-de-) of 858 inhabitants per km2compared to 339 for Island. Almost triple. However, foreigners over…

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