Roman Doduik dances with the comedy stars: “Brussels is my dream vacation and Belgium is a great country with funny people”

Roman Doduik dances with the comedy stars: “Brussels is my dream vacation and Belgium is a great country with funny people”
Roman Doduik dances with the comedy stars: “Brussels is my dream vacation and Belgium is a great country with funny people”

Moreover, during our interview in the dressing rooms of the Forum de Liège where the opening gala of the International Laughter Festival of Liège (by the Taloche brothers) orchestrated by Caroline Vigneaux on the theme of “Must we say the truth to children?” (with the Bodin’s, Anne Roumanoff, Viktor Vincent but also Antonia de Rendinger, Florent Peyre, Anne Cahen or even Laetitia Mampaka and Philippe Lellouche), he is hard at work on his RS with his new concept of humorous videos. “People seem to really like the latest episode of Soirée de Merde. 60,000 in half an hour, that’s not disgusting!”

The jury for the new season of “Dancing with the Stars” is known

How was this concept born?

“Well ‘Soirée de Merde’ is a series that we wrote with Jocelyn, my co-author. I needed to express myself on the basis of my anxieties as an artist and as an existential human. So it’s is a steak evening, where people get drunk (smile) But it’s deep.”

A subject that speaks to Belgians, very festive! Especially in Liège…

“So yes, we made videos in Belgium where we drank alcohol. We got in trouble because of that (laughing)! But yes, coming to Belgium for the waffles and the beers, that remains Basically, I love Belgium, I always argue with Jocelyn about it, he wants to go to Tahiti, but Brussels is my vacation dream, I like it. relax. It’s a nice country with funny people. Besides, my favorite comedian is Belgian. He’s funny, sincere and has real musicality.

What to expect for this gala broadcast in the New Year?

“At worst! Caroline Vigneaux is in charge and she decided to talk about the children. It’s a subject that is important because she has two. And she still considers me one of her sons. She yelled at me like one of his sons before the gala I fell asleep during the rehearsal… I didn’t do it on purpose, I closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep for ten minutes, I slept for one. hour and a half. So, everyone. looked for me.”

“Caroline Vigneaux still considers me one of her sons. She yelled at me during rehearsals”

She was the one who discovered you and offered you your first set in 2014

“Yes, it was her who made me perform stand-up for the first time. From there to telling her that I’m giving her my career, there’s only one step that I won’t take. Don’t mess around (smile)!”

What was the trigger for you to go on stage then?

“It’s not one thing, it’s lots of things. It’s something that is built day after day. With lots of screw-ups, lots of failures. No, it’s a succession of failures. This are failures that lead to other failures and then after a while, after 25 failures, there is a small victory and you say to yourself, oh hey, we’re going to give him a little plateau.

And then there was Dancing with the Stars. Would there be a before and after?

“Yes, and not just in the media. Especially personally. I don’t look the same on set anymore. I don’t see myself the same in the mirror. It really changed my life. I don’t look the same anymore. I don’t act the same anymore. sport. I stopped smoking. I have a little more confidence in my body. All of these are things that brought me liberation and the work of dancing. do Dancing with the Stars for fun, to learn stuff. And also because it’s a show that attracts 3 million viewers every Friday (smile) When you have a theater to fill, it’s interesting. But I got into the game. I worked like crazy and finished in the semi-final!”

“DALS has really changed my life. I don’t hold myself the same anymore. I do more sports. I stopped smoking. I have a little more confidence in my body.”

In your show, “Adorable”, you talk to teenagers. Are there any specific codes?

“I think it’s because I never took them for teenagers. What pissed me off when I was young was that I was taken for a young person. Even when I started in this job, I was the little one. It pissed me off to be taken for the little one Naturally, when I found myself seen enough by young people, when they came to see me in the street, I never took them for the little ones. kids. I never made videos for kids. I was told that it would please the small community. No, I write things. A 14-year-old boy knows things. He’s not stupid. protect or consider him as a child I think it made them happy. There was this relationship of big brothers, little brothers that was created. little sisters everywhere.”

A former Miss joins the cast of “Dancing with the Stars”

Can you laugh at everything on social media?

“I don’t deprive myself of anything. I have a safeguard in case I say too much shit. I work with a team anyway. I don’t censor myself, I don’t deprive myself of anything and I don’t deprive myself of anything. I’ll never apologize. Making fun of it is part of my job. In my show, I talk about dwarves, about Jews, about gays, about my bisexuality, about whatever you want. I’m free sometimes. has people who say ‘you can’t make jokes’ Yes, look, I’m doing it Of course I can! Afterwards, if there are people who don’t want to come see me. or piss my face off because of it, great in their face The show is co-written between a 26 year old guy and a 51 year old guy So in the end, the jokes still have to make us both laugh. It’s a bit of a challenge. neither of us likes to be vulgar. It’s not consensual either. We don’t do pure black humor. “It’s not my type at all.”

“I don’t censor myself, I don’t deprive myself of anything and I will never apologize. Making fun is part of my job”

One of your struggles is also school bullying…

“Yes, because for me, the networks are used for that too. They put an influencer label on our faces. It’s true that we have an influence. As much as this influence, sometimes, is used for good things I don’t want to be the standard bearer of good conscience either. People always call me and tell me if I don’t want to be the godfather of this or that association. to be the standard of all causes and ultimately, to be the standard of no one. I chose bullying because it is a subject that affects me and because I was bullied myself (Gollum’s nickname at school, Editor’s note). It’s a subject that also affects the people who watch me.”

Do you use influence money for this kind of fight?

Jocelyn (his co-author and director who answers the question). “Influence brings in more money than going on stage. Above all, since he doesn’t go on vacation, it allows him to finance a series, sell videos, buy a camera. A big part of the money , we reinvest it to create, to hire friends who will frame, who will shoot, who will travel. He created an agency called Storyz. It’s a content and influence creation agency. works a lot with brands all year round. We try to make original content. We create sketches for them. We try to make real, stylish advertisements for brands that we have chosen carefully. of influence for Inserm. The fake medical news that is everywhere. Roman is having more and more influence on this kind of intelligent subject. funny. Inserm us. asks to go see people to make them understand that carrot smoothie does not protect against sunburn. It’s stupid, but it’s true! There are plenty of people who believe that and repeat it. That’s the kind of thing you want to do with influence.”

“Influence brings in more money than going on stage”

Star of social networks with your “Shit Evenings”, have you never been attracted by this dark side of show business?

“I was talking about it with Thierry Ardisson the other day, we were snorting coke in a whore’s ass, and then I said to him ‘ah damn Thierry, that’s still hot’. He said to me: ‘Stop your bullshit’. There’s Palmade who joined us Finally, we had a good laugh (laughing) No, but I don’t know if there’s this dark side of show business. legend. Or maybe it’s me who’s not at the right parties. It’s also possible. I’m not sure I want to go.”

Discover the identity of the fourth star to join the cast of “Dancing with the Stars”

Jocelyn (his co-author and director): “Roman works 70 hours a week. That is to say, he does social networks, he puts on a show, he shoots a series. There, when we’re finished the show, tonight, we’re driving 4 hours so he can be on set at 7 tomorrow morning. By the way, he doesn’t have parties. He’s invited to events all the time. never goes. not comfortable in these environments. He likes to work and so in the end, he is not very festive. This year, he took two days off. The best evening. that he did this year, it’s the Grosses Têtes evening. He found himself with Ruquier, his 60-year-old friends. I’m almost his best friend. 60 freelances. We don’t have a tour bus. It’s his 60-year-old producer who takes him on tour while listening to Nostalgie. Roman is the only artist of his age who doesn’t want his producer to pay for a venue. year in . He wants to play once every 3 months because he doesn’t want to live in Paris. It pisses him off, he lives in .”

“The Zonz series is Prison Break meets Dummies”

“The series I’m currently starring in, ‘Zonz’, will be released in 2025, confesses Roman Doduik. It’s an escapist prison comedy. It’s Prison Break meets Dummies. It’s great. I’m one of the main roles, which is a very deep, very interesting character. Gabin, who is very endearing. Obviously, with a face like that, we wonder what he did to end up in prison. And so, it explores the world of the juvenile prison that exists. There are young people in prison today. There are children in jail, we must not forget that. I’m a big fan of comedy. Is there a pilot on the plane? The idiot’s dinner? The first name? These are my bedside films.”



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