QWho knows beach rowing sprint? For the moment, not many people, but that will probably change in the months and years to come. Firstly because this sporting discipline is quite spectacular. Then, because she will be at the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028. This sport, which comes from sea rowing, is growing for a simple reason: it appeals to the public.
Its first setting is a beach, a normally pleasant setting. The heart of it is a rowing race, but fast, lasting two to three minutes, in slalom around buoys. And it takes place in a duel with two crews facing each other. Added to this is a 50 meter sprint on the beach. The test is therefore easy to understand for spectators. Beach rowing sprint has everything to appeal to practitioners and the general public.
First try last year
Aviron Arcachonnais, which has 200 members, also has specialists in the discipline in its ranks. But above all, the club organized a demonstration of this sport last April, during the Arcachon Boat Show, which had a certain success. “There were nine boats, dynamic crews and people. We saw that beach rowing sprint is appreciated,” remembers Sébastien Clert, president of the Arcachon club.
The event was organized with the Rotary club of Arcachon, which had already approached Aviron Arcachonnais. “We share the same values such as support for the weakest, inclusion, the importance of the collective and commitment. We had the idea of proposing, on the occasion of this sporting event, a raffle intended for two associations which practice inclusion through sport, Action Plein'R and Grain de Folie,” summarizes François Louveaux from Rotary. The Da Vinci University Center won and 2,000 euros were collected. “Our initial intuition was validated. We wanted to do it again, better and bigger. »
Charity operation
A new beach rowing sprint competition will take place next year, still co-organized by Aviron Arcachonnais and Rotary, according to the same principles. But with a major difference: this time it is official. The French University Sports Federation and the French Rowing Federation have included this first BRS University French Cup in their calendars. It will take place on Saturday April 19, on the beach at the port of Arcachon, and again at the time of the Boat Show. An event which sees 60,000 people pass through in three days.
This competition will also once again be associated with a charitable operation with the same two associations which practice inclusion through sport for the disabled. The public present will be able to participate and make donations. From now on, Aviron Arcachonnais and Rotary d'Arcachon are looking for motivated crews, which should not pose a problem, and sponsors to help them finance the cost of this first French Cup in the discipline.
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