Annick Guillemot
Published on
Dec 26 2024 at 7:25 a.m.
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L’Regional Health Agency de Bretagne has just released an envelope of 5.7 million euros for accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) in difficulty in the Côtes-d’Armor. A breath of fresh air for the dozens of structures specializing in dependency, which have been struggling for months alarm bell on their critical financial situation.
The distribution of aid was validated at the end of November by the Côtes-d’Armor departmental commission.
Elected “in resistance”
In 2023, it was from the Côtes-d’Armor department that the mobilization of mayors for the defense of their public nursing homes began.
Several of these establishments have budgets in deficit and denounced the lack of support from the State. Since then, the association “Territories in Resistance for Old Age” has spread to the national level, demanding more resources and above all a real public policy on Old Age and Dependency.
Meeting at the end of November, the departmental commission dedicated to monitoring and examining the financial situation of structures medical-social in difficulty in Côtes-d’Armor was able to validate the distribution of this aid granted.
Avoid cash flow shortages, consolidate self-financing
This commission is made up of representatives of theARSof Departmental Council, of the Departmental Directorate of Public Finances (DFIP), of the bank of the territoriesof the departmental association of mayors of France (AMF 22) and the Primary Fund ofhealth insurance (CPAM22).
- 2 252 291 € pour 17 Ehpad in order toavoid situations of cash flow shortage. The amounts were calculated based on the need in the cash flow forecasts. “Each situation was the subject of a tripartite management dialogue: Ehpad, Departmental Council and ARS. »
- 3 485 690 € pour 34 Ehpad in insufficient self-financing as part of the emergency fund of 100 million euros announced by the Minister of Solidarity.
In addition to this aid, ARS Bretagne ensures that it maintains, in conjunction with the Departmental Council, “a constant dialogue with establishments with a view to implementing structural support measures allowing a restoration of financial capacities”.
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