An improvement is expected during the day in Rennes, where the clouds will dissipate. The values will be 3°C at the lowest and 9°C at the highest. A southwest wind will blow lightly. The people of Rennes will be cold in the morning: temperatures will not exceed 8°C. The values will range from 3 to 8°C. Temperatures will rise a few degrees during the afternoon. The values will be between 8 and 9°C. Scattered rain is expected in the evening. Temperatures will be between 8°C and 9°C. Clear skies are expected overnight between Friday and Saturday.
Tomorrow, in Rennes, the clouds will not give way to the sun. Temperatures will rise by a few degrees. The values will range between 5 and 11°C. A southwest wind will slightly cool the atmosphere. On the other hand, the weather will gradually improve in the morning and give way to clearings. Temperatures will be 6°C. The sun will be lacking tomorrow afternoon, as the sky will be covered by clouds. On the other hand, temperatures will increase by a few degrees. The values will be between 9 and 11°C. The gray weather is still not dispersing, there will be more clouds tomorrow evening. The maximums will go up to 12°C while the minimums will be 11°C.
The weather will deteriorate in the coming days. The weather will be rainy with temperatures around 6°C.