The vote on the 2025 Budget of the Department of postponed until January

National news has repercussions on more local politics. While the vote on the 2025 State Budget is more uncertain than ever, the departmental council is in the dark. Monday, December 2, was held the 4e quarterly meeting of the departmental council in . On this occasion, its president, Patrick Weiten, decided to postpone the department's budgetary issue until January 27.

Sound No. 1 – The vote on the 2025 Budget of the Department of Moselle postponed until January


We do not yet know today what means we will be able to use to vote on our budget. It is the State which grants us grants from which we operate the services, and in particular our social services, which will represent nearly 70% of our budget.

Whatever the allocation, sport and culture will remain priorities for the department next year.

Sport, like culture, is “living well together”, and that is absolutely essential that we have this “living well together” in our society. For us, it's sport for everyone, and everywhere, which means that it's the small club in the village that needs help, it's also teaching children to swim, 45% of children arrive at college not knowing how to swim.

Without forgetting tourism.

We see this during Christmas festivities. Today, the Moselle is a tourist destination. Tourism represents 600 million turnover, and nearly 16,000 jobs. What community would not pay particular attention to an economic sector that employs?

Everything will therefore be decided on January 27 by the departmental advisors depending on the State Budget. The Barnier government's first draft budget provided for 35 million euros less for the Moselle Department.




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