RJS unites Richelais sport

RJS unites Richelais sport
RJS unites Richelais sport

In Richelieu, badminton, youth running, fitness, youth football teams, golf and archery are grouped under the leadership of the Richelais Jeunesse sportive (RJS), chaired by Bernard Autson. The latter led the debates of the RJS general assembly, Friday, June 28, 2024, in the evening, at the clubhouse of the Puits-de-La-Roche stadium.

The running and golf leaders were absent or excused. The other sections presented the results of their exercise. The archery club has 25 members, aged 7 to 75. It organized four competitions, which brought together 65 to 130 archers. The highlight of the season was the organization of the French Paralympic Championships, indoors, at the L’Île-Bouchard gymnasium, the Richelieu gymnasium not being ready.

The appeal of fitness

The fitness center has 35 members, a very significant increase, with many contacts established during the association forum. It is noted that there is a very strong participation in the classes of Lucie, the coach. The sessions will resume on September 4.

In badminton, fourteen young people are registered and twenty adults. The president indicates the difficulty in mobilizing for training. The adult tournament was successful; the youth tournament was canceled, due to a lack of participants. The club has had good results in nearby tournaments.

Towards a national Cardinal tournament?

On the football side, a slight increase in numbers is noted. The RJS was able to register teams in all categories, except U18. This will be done for the next season. The bronze label for the football school, the success of the Cardinal and Braslou tournaments, the refereeing awareness day were other highlights of the season. We are thinking about a Cardinal tournament of national scope.

The RJS finances remain healthy, despite a slightly deficit year. The RJS will participate in the Cape and Sword and will be present at the next associations forum.



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