overinflated grades in private schools?

Do private schools continue to inflate students’ grades in order to guarantee their success in the baccalaureate? The answer is probably yes. Assabah who examined some of the transcripts leaked on social media after the announcement of the 2024 BAC results, noted a “glaring difference between the modest grades obtained in the national and regional baccalaureate exams and the excessive grades obtained in the continuous assessment.” The continuous assessment grades, awarded by schools, are decisive in the success or failure of students, as they represent 25% of the overall baccalaureate grade. The remaining 75: there is 25% for the regional exam and 50% for the national exam.

Read: Morocco: here is the list of schools sanctioned for inflating students’ grades

To support this observation, the newspaper reports that a student from a private school whose transcript it examined received a mark of 19.27 in continuous assessment, 13.10 in the regional exam in the first year of the baccalaureate and 5.3 in the national exam. Another student obtained 3.16 in the national baccalaureate exam and 19.62 in continuous assessment. The difference between the assessment of the same subjects in the national exam and in continuous assessment is just as glaring. For example, a science candidate obtained a mark of 19.5 in mathematics in continuous assessment, while he only got 3 in the national exam. The observation is the same in physics-chemistry: he obtained 0.75 in the national exam, but 19.5 in continuous assessment. Everything therefore indicates, according to the publication, that private schools are inflating their students’ averages.



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