Legislative. City by city, the 10 facts in figures from the first round in the Rhône

The five municipalities that voted RN the most

It is Colombier-Saugnieuin the 13e constituency, which shows the highest percentage of votes for the National Rally: 54.39% of the votes went to the candidacy of Tiffany Joncour, in a favorable position for the second round in the area.

Come next Tenth (8e constituency) with 54.17% of the votes for Jonathan Gery; Dracé (9e), 52.89% for Patrick Louis; Halls (10e), 51.58% for Cécile Patout; and Amberieux (9e), 50.79% for Patrick Louis again.

Where we voted least for RN

Counting by constituency, it is Lyonin the 2e : 14.30% only for Anaëlle Bisleau. By municipality, it is at Vaulx-en-Velin that Jordan Bardella’s party achieved its lowest score in the department: 17.79% for Cédric Pignal, all the same.

The five municipalities that voted the most for the New Popular Front

The east of the Lyon metropolitan area was very favourable to the union of the left. Vaulx-en-Velin65.02% of the votes cast went to the Abdelkader Lahmar ballot, a record for the NFP in the department. Idir Boumertit also did well in Saint-Fons (62.77%) and Venissieux (60.32%); Abdel Yousfi at Givors (48.02%) and Gabriel Amard at Villeurbanne (46.29%) complete this quintet.

HAS Lyoncounting by constituency, Marie-Charlotte Garin (51.1%, elected in the first round in the 3e) and Boris Tavernier (49.65%, 2e) obtained comparable scores.

Marie-Charlotte Garin (elected NFP candidate in the 3rd constituency), Anais Belouassa Cherifi (NFP candidate in the 1st constituency), Sandrine Runel (NFP candidate in the 4th constituency) and Boris Tavernier (NFP candidate in the 2nd constituency) arrive at the election evening at the Rhône Prefecture in Lyon. Photo Maxime Jegat

These left-wing municipalities that resist the RN

In the 9e constituency where the scores of the extreme right are at their maximum, the communes of Mont-Melin-Saint-Sorlin and of Villefranche-sur-Saonemore urban, vote in majority for the union of the left at 31 and 35%. In this constituency the union of the extreme right comes out on top with 35.41% of the votes, the left is only 3ecarried by Jean-Henri Soumireu-Lartigue with 23.25% of the votes cast.

The five municipalities where LR achieved its best scores

The right-wing party, or at least what is left of it, was able to count on its outgoing MP Alexandre Portier to achieve some good scores in the 9e constituency, where he is nevertheless distanced by the RN. But at Vernaythe LR parliamentarian was chosen by 65.19% of voters who turned out. He also made 52.33% in Azolette41.70% to Saint-Bonnet-des-Bruyeres38.61% to Ardillats and 35.81% to VauxrenardHe is the only LR historic canal candidate to come out on top in the Rhône municipalities.

Alexandre Portier (LR), outgoing MP, satisfied and combative for the second round in the 9th constituency. Photo Dorothée Robine

The five municipalities that voted the most for Ensemble

Unsurprisingly, and doubtless a question of sociology, the presidential party achieved its best scores in the municipalities of the north and west of the Lyon metropolitan area. sathonay-village46.79% for Blandine Brocard, who should renew her seat in the National Assembly. She also comes out on top in Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d’Or (42,49%) et Fontaines-Saint-Martin (39.80%). Thomas Gassilloud was also acclaimed at Charbonnieres-les-Bains (45,21%) et Alexandre Vincendet in the town of which he was mayor, Rillieux-la-Pape (38.72%).

In which municipalities (with more than 1,000 inhabitants) did voters turn out the most?

HAS I wanta little over 1100 inhabitants in the 8e constituency, 83.71% of those registered on the electoral lists voted. Next are Montanay (82,29%), Lachassagne (82,21%), Poleymieux-au-Mont-d’Or (82,21%) et Fleurieu-sur-Saone (81.80%). Note that these are each small municipalities.

And those where we voted the least?

Conversely, the participation rate is lowest in municipalities with large populations in the department. This is Saint-Fons that the participation was the lowest: 54.90%, more than 10 points lower than the national average. Then, increasing, Givors (55,89%), Venissieux (57,96%), Saint-Priest (58,43%) et Tarare (63,17%).

Otherwise, counting by constituencies, abstention is highest in those in the East of the Rhône department (13th, 14th, 6th, 7th). It was in the 14th constituency that it was highest for these early legislative elections of 2024. There was 40.20% abstention for a participation of 59.80%.

The smallest and largest gaps

First place is sometimes decided by a few votes, and in the 12the constituency, between Lucie Gaillot Durand (NFP) and Cyrille Isaac-Sybille (Ensemble), there is only a difference of 633 ballots

Conversely, some candidates took the lead in the poll with a clear lead in votes over the second in their constituency, the most spectacular being in the 2nde constituency: Boris Tavernier (NFP) has a 14,112 vote lead over Loïc Terrenes (Ensemble).

Furthermore, the gap may be even narrower between the 2e and the 3e candidate in order of arrival. On the 6e constituency, there are only 588 votes between Jean-Paul Bret (dissident PS) and the RN candidate Délia Agus, the latter not being… qualified for the second round, due to the turnout. She was short of 334 votes.

Finally, there is the case of Champagne-au-Mont-d’Or, a little over 3000 voters, where RN, Ensemble and NFP are separated by 51 votes. A very balanced town between the three blocs: the first is RN (852 votes), the second Ensemble (807 votes), the third NFP (801 votes).



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