Visit of Madam Rector to the DSDEN of Nièvre

This Monday, November 25, Madame Mathilde Gollety, Rector of the academy, was welcomed by Madame Pascale Niquet-Petipas, Academic Director of the national education services of Nièvre, during her visit to the Directorate of Departmental Services of National Education (DSDEN) of Nièvre, in .

Accompanied by Ms. Vayrou, Secretary General, and Mr. Maerten, Chief of Staff, Madam Rector began her day by greeting the staff of DSDEN 58. This moment of friendly exchange was an opportunity to underline the importance of the work carried out daily by the teams serving education in the department.

From 10:30 a.m., in the Henry Bussière room and by videoconference, Madame la Rector met with local elected officials for a constructive dialogue on a central theme: the attractiveness of the territory. These discussions, carried out in the presence of Madame la Préfète, made it possible to reflect collectively on the educational and social issues which contribute to the dynamism of Nièvre.

This meeting is part of a desire to strengthen synergies between institutional actors and local elected officials to support the development and influence of this territory, where education plays a fundamental role in the future and the development of young generations. .




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