Unusual. 2024 legislative elections in Sarthe: the candidate who no longer wanted to be still got votes

Unusual. 2024 legislative elections in Sarthe: the candidate who no longer wanted to be still got votes
Unusual. 2024 legislative elections in Sarthe: the candidate who no longer wanted to be still got votes


Frédéric Jouvet

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 5:29 p.m.

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Candidate for the 2nd constituency of Sarthe, Clement Cheuret had finally called not to vote for him. Despite his withdrawal from the legislative election campaign, he obtained several dozen votes…

The candidate who no longer wanted to be a candidate

As a reminder, Clément Cheuret had chosen to present himself seeing no centrist candidate to declare himself in the 2nd constituency of Sarthe. It was when the prefecture revealed the official lists that he learned that Samuel Chevallier, UDI candidate, was running.

“With the entire chessboard being represented, the decision was made to withdraw. There was already a centrist candidacy, there was no longer any reason to maintain mine,” he explained to news Le Mans.

91 votes obtained

The rules of the Electoral Code prevented the withdrawal of his candidacy and Clément Cheuret was therefore officially a candidate. He called for people not to vote for him.

However, the ephemeral candidate obtained 91 votes on the constituency, or 0.18% of the votes cast, at the end of the first round of the legislative elections.

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A candidacy which will not have had an impact on the result of the first round: the UDI candidate Samuel Chevallier came in third position with 23.09% of the votes (11,962 votes). He chose to withdraw from the second round.

He was beaten by the outgoing MP Marietta Karamanli, candidate of the New Popular Front, who received 39.95% of the votes cast (20,700 votes) and by François Fèvre (LR/RN alliance) credited with 35.29% of the votes (18,282 votes).

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