Barely opened, the largest spray park in Europe, at Bois des Rêves in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, must already close: “It’s bad luck”

Barely opened, the largest spray park in Europe, at Bois des Rêves in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, must already close: “It’s bad luck”
Barely opened, the largest spray park in Europe, at Bois des Rêves in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, must already close: “It’s bad luck”

To allow the people present in the infrastructure to continue enjoying their day, the firefighters were called in the middle of the afternoon. They recharged the structure with water: “They saved Saturday’s day. We decided to close Saturday night“.

Almost full on Sunday

There were many reservations for Sunday: “We were almost full, almost 500 people. At first, we imposed this limit on ourselves, but we will probably be able to increase capacity quite quickly, probably up to 1,000 people per day. We had to contact everyone to let them know that we would not be able to accommodate them. We had a few reservations for the week. Everyone has been notified, they will be able to postpone their visit to a day of their choice.“.

This breakdown, which occurred a few hours after opening, is a blot on the landscape, although the attraction was undoubtedly tested before being put into operation: “It’s just bad luck, it can happen in any construction“, poursuit Nancy Schroeders.

Closed until Friday

The company in charge of the construction was on site this Monday morning to try to identify the leak: “She has located the fault area. Now we need to scan the system to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. We hope to have it fixed by next weekend. With the weather not looking great this week, we have decided to close through Friday. We hope to be able to open next Saturday.“.

This failed start is reminiscent of the episode of the new playground, inaugurated in March 2023, which quickly flooded. Unlike the spray park, there was too much water at the playground!



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