CR4C Roanne: “We are being trusted again” – News

CR4C Roanne: “We are being trusted again” – News
CR4C Roanne: “We are being trusted again” – News

With the Tour du Pays Roannais to organize and a team to shine again, the leaders of CR4C Roanne have no shortage of work. At the end of their National Elite event won this Sunday by Dijon’s Antoine Berger, and while on Saturday the Roanne team won the Grand Prix de Sologne des Étangs, a round of the Coupe de France N2, DirectVelo took stock with Daniel Chasson, who took over the presidency of the club last October.

DirectVelo: How did you experience this Tour du Pays Roannais?
Daniel Chasson: A little anxious because the weather was really uncertain. We were nervous. There was a great field without any team being able to dominate. The course was really tough from Saturday. Finally, the third stage wasn’t bad because it was in the mountains and there was a great sprint finish. We couldn’t have dreamed of better.

How do you see the race evolving in the future?
We are looking for ourselves because it is increasingly difficult to find municipalities. We want to reach communities of municipalities. There are already people who are approaching us. We want to try to expand and work earlier and earlier. That is what we are doing but we always find the same difficulties. We have to find solutions. During the three days, everyone tells us good things and that it is extraordinary, but it is after that that it is the hardest. It has been going on for 35 years, there is no reason for it to stop. There is a good team and partners who are really happy. We invite a lot of elected officials and sponsors. When they are inside the race, they discover and tell us that it is wonderful. We must not be pessimistic but there is work to be done, we know that.

This weekend, there was a sporting dilemma for CR4C Roanne with a round of the Coupe de France N2 at the Grand Prix de la Sologne des Étangs facing the Tour du Pays Roannais…
A dilemma, yes and no. This year, we strengthened the squad. I would say that it went rather well. The CR4C instead put a team of climbers in the TPR and sprinters in N2. Everyone was happy there. Of course, we would have liked to put the best team in the TPR, but we are also very happy to have scored a lot of points in the N2 event (see ranking). The goal of this season is to raise the level at all levels, even among the leaders. We questioned ourselves. We have victories again, everyone is happy around us. It is practically won, we are trusted again, we attract the media and the riders.

“HEAD TO 2025”

You must still appreciate these good performances, especially those of David Menut who sets an example…
I appreciate it all the more because the riders are really in the project. David Menut is our captain and leads this team. He had been to the club and he came back, he wants to participate in the project to bring the club back to its level, it’s very important. We have really sensational guys, very nice. Sport remains sport. We were unlucky at the start of the season, we could have had other results, there were lots of little problems… It’s a shame, but I think we are in the right times of passage.

With two rounds of the Coupe de France remaining, CR4C Roanne is 4th. Are you thinking about a return to N1 this winter?
I am asking myself questions, the Roanne network must also ask them. Will we have the financial means to be in N1 if we are accepted? We could apply, but we will have to take time before deciding to go up directly. It is a different budget and a different structure. We are already recruiting for next year. We are in demand, we have our heads set on 2025.

Is the club today where you hoped it would be when you took over the presidency?
We always hope for better, we always want more. I am very demanding with myself but also with my leaders. We have to manage to shake things up so that everyone goes in the same direction to rebuild something that existed before. The CR4C was still at the top of the national cream. We have to find riders, leaders and sponsors.



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