SENEGAL-MINES / An official calls for a “harmonious cohabitation” between mining companies and gold miners in Sabodala – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-MINES / An official calls for a “harmonious cohabitation” between mining companies and gold miners in Sabodala – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-MINES / An official calls for a “harmonious cohabitation” between mining companies and gold miners in Sabodala – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, July 1 (APS) – The chief of staff of the Minister of Energy, Petroleum and Mines, Meïssa Diakhaté, pleaded, Monday, in Dakar, for a “harmonious cohabitation” between the mining industries and the gold miners of Sabodala, a commune in the Kédougou region (south-east) home to the main mines of the country.

“It is a mark of generosity to coexist with gold miners. We must not create a climate of conflict, an extremely difficult collaboration,” he told employees and managers of mining companies, during a ceremony to present the 2023 sustainable development report of Sabodala Gold Operations (SGO).

“I think that a […] “Good collaboration would have made it possible to find suitable corridors” for the gold miners and to keep them “away from the companies”, said Mr. Diakhaté, concerning the recurring conflicts between gold miners and mining companies in this part of Senegal.

The chief of staff of the Minister of Energy, Petroleum and Mines, considering that the lack of consultation is often the cause of conflicts, calls on companies to approach gold miners to establish dialogue with them.

Meïssa Diakhaté, the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Energy, Petroleum and Mines

The companies “have large areas that they do not exploit”, while the gold miners, for their part, “do not have the means to do more than the companies”, pointed out Meïssa Diakhaté.

“You are not present on all the large areas that you have. You can take them upstream, a little further, because they do not have, in any case, the means to go beyond 20 meters” deep, he said.

However, large mining companies have the means to drill “up to 60 metres”, added Mr Diakhaté, calling on the companies concerned to “do more for the populations” living near the mines.

He wanted to see the SGO report presented next year by civil society.

“We would like the populations themselves to be able to say how the efforts you are making are qualitatively changing their standard of living and systemically transforming the economy and the environment,” explained Meïssa Diakhaté.

Sabodala Gold Operations General Manager Abdoul Aziz Sy

According to Sabodala Gold Operations CEO Abdoul Aziz Sy, the report presentation ceremony reflects the company’s performance in terms of sustainable development.

He said the report in question covers important aspects relating to good governance, transparency and the economic contribution of Sabodala Gold Operations.

The mayor of Sabodala, Mamadou Cissokho, called for the consolidation of SGO’s achievements for the benefit of the population.

“Both in the sectors of health and education, as well as in social action, including the promotion of women and young people, he said, the lines have moved greatly in our community.”

There are no temporary shelters (classrooms often made of straw and tree branches) in the municipality’s schools, its mayor said, adding that Sabodala is “one of the few municipalities where women’s empowerment has reached unsuspected levels.”

The municipality also has five ambulances, for a population of around 15,000 inhabitants, according to Mr. Cissokho.

Moussa Danfakha, the president of the Saraya departmental council, on which Sabodala depends, welcomed the transparency exercise that Sabodala Gold Operations has undertaken with the presentation of the report. He advocates the “perpetuation” of this initiative, while hoping that it can inspire other mining companies.




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