In the Vannes constituency, the RN has both feet on the podium in the legislative elections

In the Vannes constituency, the RN has both feet on the podium in the legislative elections
In the Vannes constituency, the RN has both feet on the podium in the legislative elections

Turnout was very high in the Vannes constituency. The announced stakes of this election brought out 23,500 more voters than in the 2022 legislative elections. As was the case three weeks ago for the European elections, the commune of the Île d’Arz was the most civic-minded this Sunday with 84.31% of voters. Next came Larmor-Baden (82.08%), Damgan (81.07%) and Arzon (81.02%). Conversely, the commune of Guerno had the least turnout, with 67.52% turnout.

Legislative elections 2024

  • 2 Almost full box for Anne Le Hénanff

    Outgoing MP Anne Le Hénanff came out well ahead of this first round. In three coastal municipalities, the Horizons candidate even passes the 50% mark: Arzon (52.20%), the island of Arz (53.67%) and the island of Moines (59.17%). There are only two municipalities in the constituency where she finished on the second step of the podium: Billiers and La Trinité-Surzur. On the latter, she achieved her worst score: with two votes, she remains below 30%.

  • 3 Anne Gallo ahead in Billiers

    If we look closely at the results of the New Popular Front, they are more nuanced than its 2nd place would suggest: in 12 of the 25 municipalities in the Vannes constituency, Anne Gallo is 3rd behind the RN. In the municipalities that elected left-wing mayors, Anne Gallo does better than her score in the constituency (Arradon, Séné and Saint-Avé), but only Billiers places her in the lead with 39.70%. On the other hand, she does not pass 20% in Arzon (18.73%).

  • 4 The RN, first once, second twelve times

    The National Rally’s surge is radical in the constituency. Only one commune, however, puts Joseph Martin in the lead in the poll. This is La Trinité-Surzur, where nearly four out of ten voters gave him their votes (37.65%). This is nearly 15 points more than what the RN had achieved in this commune during the 2022 legislative elections. Joseph Martin finished second in twelve communes, including Le Tour du Parc (33.43%) and Surzur (32.50%). It is on the coast and even a little offshore that we must look to find the lowest scores for the far right: the island of Arz (11.50%), the island of Moines (15.22%) and Arradon (17.23%).

  • 5 And the others?

    The particular issue and the logic of political blocs did not leave much room for the four other candidates in the running. What went under the radar? More than 1,000 voters chose the various left Yann Le Baraillec or the regionalist Yann Le Sant: respectively 1,898 and 1,084. For Yann Le Baraillec, it is 150 votes less than in 2022. For the regionalist candidate, it On the contrary, he is 224 votes more than Jean-Jacques Page. It is in the town of Guerno that the director of the Motocultor festival achieves his best score: 4.20%. For Yann Le Sant, the top rises to 2.41% of the votes in La Trinité-Surzur.

    As for the Lutte Ouvrière candidate, Marc Peschanski, he garnered 125 more votes than in 2022, but remained at a modest 0.50% of the vote. Finally, the candidate of the “Let’s decide ourselves” association, Alice Vasseur received 182 votes out of 84,561. And none in five municipalities in the constituency.



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