Most Admired Moroccan Financial Brand

Most Admired Moroccan Financial Brand
Most Admired Moroccan Financial Brand

The Brand Africa 100 ranking of the most popular brands in Morocco, unveiled on June 26, 2024, recognized BANK OF AFRICA, the most popular Moroccan financial services brand.

Brand Africa 100 and Integrate Consulting organized Wednesday June 26 in Casablanca the 5th Moroccan edition of Brand Africa 100 Morocco’s Best Brands. This ranking of the most popular brands in Morocco and Africa is based on a study conducted every year since 2011, which Morocco joined in 2020.

Chaired by Mr. Thebe Ikalafeng, Founder and President of Brand Africa and Ms. Siham Malek, Founder and President of Integrate Consulting and Vice President of Brand Africa North Africa, this year’s edition was themed ” Made in Morocco: A Catalyst for Pan-African Growth and Competitiveness« .

Represented by its Director of Communication and Institutional Relations, Mr. Mounir Jazouli declared: I am deeply honored and very proud to receive, once again, this award on behalf of the great BANK OF AFRICA family in the 32 countries present. Beyond the business dimension, this recognition of our customers and stakeholders is motivated by our proactive CSR and Finance policy with a positive impact driven by President Othman Benjelloun. »

Read also: BANK OF AFRICA Academy Awarded for Continuing Education at the 2024 HR Awards

BANK OF AFRICA continues and will continue to be at the forefront of new banking technologies and in tune with the lives and modes of expression of its customers and is committed through its listening and expertise to providing them with creative and adapted to transform their needs into projects and their projects into success.

This recognition coincides with the recent launch of our new commercial brand promise, the result of numerous banking innovation initiatives and improvement of the customer experience and our values ​​of PROXIMITY, EXPERTISE, CUSTOMER CENTRICITY and ACCESSIBILITY: With BANK OF AFRICA , Dima Kayn L’hal.

As a reminder, as a non-profit initiative and to ensure the objectivity and independence of the rankings, the Brand Africa 100 | Morocco’s Best Brands research aimed at determining the most admired brands in Morocco and Africa is not funded by any brand.

Conducted by Brand Africa 100 and Integrate Consulting, the study aims to collaborate to create healthy competitiveness among businesses benefiting the consumer who emerges as a winner.

The study conducted among 1,000 respondents aged 15 and over in Morocco, mainly from urban areas, covered brands belonging to several sectors of activity: financial services, consumer products, media, retail, energy distributors, cosmetics, ready-to-wear, etc.



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