he hit the surrounding wall of a church

he hit the surrounding wall of a church
he hit the surrounding wall of a church

Eight firefighters intervened with three machines, Saturday November 23, 2024, around 11:30 p.m. to rescue a moped rider who had just had an accident near rue Jean-Marie-Le Foll, which crosses the village of Ploubezre, a town bordering Lannion (Côtes-d'Armor).

The victim, a man whose age could not be determined at the scene, was unfortunately pronounced dead.

An ongoing investigation

According to information collected by West the driver of the two-wheeler lost his life after violently hitting the surrounding wall of the Ploubezre church.

An investigation is underway to determine the circumstances of the collision. The Saint-Brieuc prosecutor has entrusted the reins to the research brigade of the Guingamp company, in co-responsibility with the research section.

Contacted, the magistrate indicated that he would communicate on this dramatic accident this Monday. He specified that the victim was a young minor.

Brigitte Gourhant, mayor of Ploubezre, went to the scene of the accident. “He was a young man of 15 years old. » The mayor said to herself “very affected by this tragedy”, which affects a family in the town that she knows well.




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