Marine Tondelier on the verge of tears after the words of Bruno Le Maire

Marine Tondelier on the verge of tears after the words of Bruno Le Maire
Marine Tondelier on the verge of tears after the words of Bruno Le Maire

By Martin Lagrave

2 hours ago,

Update 1 hour ago


The national secretary of the Ecologists was very moved this Monday morning after the words of the Minister of the Economy refusing to call for a vote for the LFI candidates against the RN.

The day after the first round of the legislative elections, the nerves of political leaders are severely tested. This Monday morning, the national secretary of the Ecologists Marine Tondelier was particularly moved and angry with Bruno Le Maire.

“I am devastated and extremely angry”. On France Inter this Monday morning, Marine Tondelier returned to the remarks made by Bruno Le Maire a few minutes earlier on public radio. In the event of a second round without a candidate from the Macron camp, the Minister of the Economy called on Macronist voters “to vote for a candidate from the social democratic camp, that is to say a representative of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party or the Greens”. A voluntary sidelining of La France Insoumise described by the latter as “danger to the nation”.

On the verge of tears, the patron saint of environmentalists wanted to reconsider this position. “I am very moved because I have lived for 10 years in a city held by the National Rally”confided Marine Tondelier who lives in Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais. Coming to her senses, the 37-year-old municipal councilor then attacked the former Sarkozy minister: “What Bruno Le Maire has just done is cowardly and privileged behavior. It’s above ground, it’s lunar and it doesn’t live up to the story”she shouted.

Continuing his strong criticism, the ecologist considered that Bruno Le Maire “wrong problem” whereas La France Insoumise is not in a position to obtain an absolute majority of seats in the Palais Bourbon, unlike the RN. “Fortunately, left-wing and environmental voters are less sectarian and less cowardly than that. Because that’s why they won in 2017 and 2022.”she said before concluding her speech: “They chose dishonor today. They will have dishonor and defeat..



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