AVF Chaumont is doing well

AVF Chaumont is doing well
AVF Chaumont is doing well

Association. On June 29, AVF Chaumont held its general meeting in the auditorium of Espace Bouchardon.

Sylvie Cordier, president of the association, thanked the people present who came in large numbers for this general assembly which was intended to be convivial. AVF Chaumont can boast a growing number of new members and newcomers who benefit from a warm welcome, and numerous activities offered thanks to the investment of volunteers without whom nothing would be possible.

Invited to this meeting, Christine Guillemy, Mayor of Chaumont, said she was honoured to have AVF Chaumont in her town and thanked the office present and Sylvie Cordier for their commitment: “Chaumont is an attractive town with its 450 associations and it is important to highlight its assets to attract new populations and welcome them in a way that makes them feel good” she stressed.

The activity report was presented in detail, supported by a slide show reliving the good times spent by members during various events. With regular office hours and a welcome in its new premises, the association is pleased with its proximity to the population within which it is entering to further develop social ties. A “living together” project supported by Patrick Viard, Mayor of Brottes, who undertakes to report any new arrivals.

Recently, also, the agreement signed by Nicolas Lacroix, president of the Departmental Council, and Christine Guillemy between AVF Chaumont and the attractiveness agency now allows for meaningful exchanges in the reception and arrival of a population in Chaumont where the demographics is noticeably declining.

As part of the association’s new activities, a film debate is set up once a month and for the rest a lot of entertainment: an outing to the Moulin de Brennes, a visit to the Senate, a visit to the SEB factory, a discovery of the Semoutiers truffle estate, kitchen activities, the CVB evening, regular walks, a trip to Nancy etc.

The financial balance sheet is healthy and the announcement not to increase the amount of the contribution was well received.

Céline Brasseur presented the Attractiveness agency whose objective is to develop tourism divided into four poles including the reception pole which brings together all the tourist offices of the department and, through the concierge service, helps in the reception, the search for employment, housing and in their procedures those who like all new arrivals appreciate this support. An approach which goes in the direction of AVF Chaumont with which we can count.

AVF Chaumont will be present at the association forum next September, providing information and joining this very active association.

From our correspondent Norbert Monzein

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